Wednesday, October 1, 2008

natsu sora 11

There was some big delays and I'm glad for all the help received. Many thanks for Shizuka for fixing ep11's script and release her ep12.

You may wonder why the scripts are in pastebin.
1) we can keep trace of changes easily
2) you know who did it, and what they have done. So cases like this may not happen.
3) some people may be fine with on-progress work.
4) when the show is unsubbed, this may invite help in one form or others. For now, I won't care if other groups use the scripts, it may actually save time. [Laruku_fan edit] [Shizuka] [metrokatz] [ylood] [DL] [cowteats TLC help] [DL] [TL]


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a bunch~

Unknown said...

Everything is fine, but after the OP the subs come about 3 sec after the speech. Using the Zero-raws 1280x720 version.

Anonymous said...

Use the 1080p one.

Unknown said...

Got a working link? TT one are almost all dead.


Nate River said...

what program do I use to play these?