Friday, October 10, 2008

Natsu Sora 12 [END]

Late post is late. The final episode is finally released. Many thanks for Shizuka again.

This is the first time I'm able to complete a show. I'm so happy about that. Many thanks for cowteats who fixed the lines in questions and Laruku_fan for fixing my horrible English.

This is a tiny team, we tried to keep things simple and pretty transparent. That would make our life easier. It seems that we'd keep working under similar method.

We're carefree and lazy, obviously there are things that wasn't done well. If you want a better release, my recommendation would go for Ureshii-A-kraze. [release] [cowteats TLC] [Shizuka] [Edit] [TL]

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

natsu sora 11

There was some big delays and I'm glad for all the help received. Many thanks for Shizuka for fixing ep11's script and release her ep12.

You may wonder why the scripts are in pastebin.
1) we can keep trace of changes easily
2) you know who did it, and what they have done. So cases like this may not happen.
3) some people may be fine with on-progress work.
4) when the show is unsubbed, this may invite help in one form or others. For now, I won't care if other groups use the scripts, it may actually save time. [Laruku_fan edit] [Shizuka] [metrokatz] [ylood] [DL] [cowteats TLC help] [DL] [TL]

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Someone tells me that he saw some issues in ep9.

My translation and English is actually quite weak. I am lucky to have good tlc and editor to fix some issues. They are to help the project which I could not have done it properly all by myself. If you see something wrong, it's not because of tlc or the editor. It's because the translator here is inexperienced.

Anyway, if anyone sees any issues and able to fix it, you can commit the changes to the script on pastebin and reply here to let me know. I would revise it and probably update it before the batch. We hope that things could be done before the new season, which I could be more busy.

P.S.: Lines in question usually come with an invisible {tlc} mark in script.
