Dialogue: 0,0:07:48.74,0:07:50.79,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,
Nayuta, do a one-on-one with me.
{R: o-o-o-o-o-one-on-one play? *starts fantasizing*}
Here is the pre-release of Honey x Honey Drops episode 2.
From time to time people come by and ask for the episode 2,
so we decided to do it.
We can hardly produce the same fansub because the team of 2 years ago is gone already.
Video quality is limited by the raw source, so please bear with it
or get us a better raw.
We may encode a proper xvid version later.
OP/ED are copied from the old work of evillily.
Special thanks for Renge-nee's edit.
Many thanks for cowteats's fix too.
P.S.: If you don't know what Honey x Honey Drops is,
try to google it or do a niconico search.
It's like what you see in the Cain-sama game in Lovely Complex.
(if you know what I mean)
(posting that before release, no one read this blog anyway, lol)
Torrent Episode 01
Torrent Episode 02
Thank you so much for HxH Drops xD
I was waiting for episode 2 for don't remeber how long :D
Thank you so much one more time :)
Thanks! I wasn't expecting this to be released for a while.
Thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much! You really can't imagine how I apriciate this!
That's was quite a big of shock to me from you guys... thanks alot for it
i think there was dvd raw by quantum-raws available but its working no more. is this tvsource or was this came from dvd?
Will you sub the first episode of Honey x Honey drops?
@ Aqua:
Subs for the first episode have been released already:
Torrents linked in the post.
Wow, I just watched the previous one, and then the new one. I can honestly say, I can't remember an anime infuriating me more then this one. I'm sure theres got to be one that has, but nothing comes to mind.
The whole Master/Honey blackmail relationship seriously bothered me. So much so that I really couldn't get past it. I had to force myself to watch to the end. I can see why it took 2 years to get around to finishing this.
is this subbed? coz when i play it on my vlc player they dont work...
thanks for subbing this! i wonder if you guys going to upload a avi format? awaiting it! thanks!
Thank you so much for honey x honey drops. This is awesome!
I was wondering if there is more than two episodes of Honey x Honey dropa? If there is, will kiss post it soon. Also do you do scanlation for the manga? I am dying to finish the series but unable to.
I think there are only 2 episodes. I don't know much about the manga.
I am scanlating something else in this moment.
The links don't work...Can you please upload episode 1 again (I have found episode 2)? Because i like your work...
Try this:
You may need to create an account there.
Thank you very much!!! :D
torrents ar not working
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