TLCed script is here. We used zero raw.
You may rename the video to natsusora03.mp4 and save the script to natsusora03.ass. With proper software like CCCP you should be able to watch it without problems.
Natsu Sora Ep3 [edited, fixed]
Natsu Sora Ep3 TLCed [need edit]
Natsu Sora Ep3 TL [Need TLC and edit]
Barrel (surfing)
Note: We got some helps for this projects. But we still need another editor for natsu sora and probably other projects.
Hi there! I edited your script. Here it is:
Send me a mail if you'd like me to edit further Natsu Sora scripts: cmiguelc@gmail.com
Hope you like it!
Me again. I'm new with Pastebin, so here's another link:
It's a follow-up of yours, so you can easily check the differences. XD
Thanks. I will ask our editors to check the changes.
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